
Why use an employee app?

Do you still use Whatsapp groups for work? Isn’t this extremely inconvenient? Everyone talks at cross purposes, messages go from left to right and, as a manager, you have absolutely no grip on the internal communication. Time to switch to a real employee app. In this article, we will tell you how using an employee app contributes to your intended business results.

What kind of employee app are we talking about?

By an employee app, we mean an application developed specifically for you and your employees. A good employee app allows you and your co-workers to chat, share news and updates, and it makes your employees feel more connected to your organisation. We are not talking about Whatsapp groups or similar chat apps that you use for your company.

Why use an employee or staff app?

There are various reasons why your organisation might want to use an employee app. We will discover them with you, who knows you might have thought of these reasons yourself – or you might learn something new! Check out our reasons for choosing a staff app for your company or organisation.

Communicate faster, better and more effectively

With an employee app, you can get in touch with your colleagues faster, better and more effectively. By bundeling all your employees together in one app, you will soon be sure that your communication is streamlined. No more scattered Whatsapp groups and no more confusion about where to find the right schedule.

Your colleagues will know where to look for the latest and most up-to-date information about your organisation. That saves a lot of searching or excuses. Everything can be found in one central place. That is fast and convenient.

Click here to learn more about improving internal communication.

Break through the noise

Whatsapp groups at work are often very sociable. However, they also involve a lot of noise. Silly pictures, stickers and photos are shared haphazardly. We are the last ones to object to a little fun, but there is a time and place for everything. With Bundeling, you can create different channels for your colleagues in no time. Feel free to fill one up to chat with each other, but keep the place where serious work matters are discussed free of noise.

Available anywhere

Not everyone sits behind a laptop the whole day. This can make it difficult to stay in touch with your colleagues. However, you do have your phone with you almost all the time. That’s what makes an employee app ideal. It’s always in your pocket and you can check the latest news and messages from work in a matter of seconds.

Keep your organisation up-to-date

A good employee app keeps your organisation up-to-date. By posting the latest updates as a news item, you can be sure that all your employees are kept informed of what is going on internally. This could be major developments that turn the company on its head, but also birthdays, colleagues who gave birth or other fun news.

Integration with other applications

You probably use a lot of tools, applications or other resources to keep your organisation running. With the Bundeling employee app, you have the option of integrating more than 5,000 different applications with an employee app in your house style. Did you just send out an invitation for your staff party via email? Thanks to our smart links, you can also automatically place these in your own app.

Involved employees, you can build on them

By choosing your own application, you can ensure that employees feel more involved in your organisation. That is, of course, great! Involved employees act pro-actively, are relatively more productive, are more aware of the quality of their work and are less often sick and/or inclined to leave your organisation. This means that an engaged employee can really take your company to the next level.

How do you ensure employee engagement with an app?

Of course, engaged employees don’t happen overnight. Not even after implementing our app. It is important that you think carefully about the implementation and adoption of the app. Who is going to use it? What are these people doing in our app (or more importantly, what do we want them to do?), how are we going to ensure that there is new content in the app on a regular basis.

It’s quite something… Fortunately, our success team is ready to help you out. With years of experience, our experts know exactly what works and what doesn’t. Curious about some of our best practices? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

Communication = key

By communicating well, you bring your company together. You ensure that everyone is in touch with each other and everyone is aware of what is going on in your organisation. In short, you bring everyone on the same wavelength with each other. This is of course important, you will have to do it together.

Done with Whatsapp groups? Try Bundeling

Are you ready to bundle all your business communications together in one handy app? Then you’ve come to the right place! Bundeling allows you to improve the internal communication of your company. This app will make it easy for your employees to find everything and it will immediately be clear where and to whom they can direct their questions.

Would you like to receive a free demonstration? Then get in touch with us. One of our colleagues will contact you to make an appointment to give you more insight into the look and feel of our app. Want to know more about our employee app? Read more here or take a look through our different functionalities.