
Internal communication trends and developments for 2023

How we communicate with our employees and colleagues is constantly changing. Are you responsible for the communication in your organization? Then it is important that you are well informed about the latest trends and developments regarding internal communication for 2023.

1. Location-independent communication

Although the corona pandemic is over, hybrid working will remain the norm for some time to come. Working from home seems to be something that works well for many employees. In addition, the popularity of living as a digital nomad is also on the rise, and international teams are increasingly being set up within large organizations. As an employer, this takes some getting used to

“How do I manage employees who are not physically present?”

You have several communication channels that can help you with this. For example, consider:

  • The familiar string of communication tools (email, phone, Whatsapp);
  • An internal communication platform or intranet solution;
  • Video calling via Zoom, Teams or Skype.

Staying in touch with your hybrid (or fully remote) employees takes a shift in the way you operate. Fortunately, there are a lot of smart tools that keep your employees up to date with the latest news or developments. Tools such as Bundeling replace your internal newsletter, narrowcasting on TV screens or updates in Whatsapp groups.

2. Employee engagement

Especially now that hybrid working is on the rise, it’s important to go the extra mile to keep your employees engaged. By missing each other at the coffee machine, colleagues miss out on valuable information, updates and a bit of bonding. After all, we talk more when we’re physically stuck with each other all day.

Engaged employees are inseparable from the success of your business. In this blog, we tell you why engaged employees are indispensable in your organization.

Keep employees engaged by:

  • Giving them responsibility;
  • Communicating clearly about expectations and developments;
  • Promoting cooperation and contact between your employees;
  • Providing employees with constructive feedback;
  • Challenging employees and giving them the opportunity to develop.

3. Two-way communication

Another important development in internal communication is the rise of two-way communication. Employees increasingly want to have a say in the organization where they work. Make sure your communication tools are set up accordingly. That is, encourage employees to share their opinions on recent developments within your organization or, better yet, invite them to think along.

By two-way communication, we don’t just mean sending, but also listening (and actively asking) for your colleagues’ opinions. This has a nice impact on employee engagement.

4. What’s your mission?

For a long time, salary, the number of available vacation days or whether or not you get a company car was the focus for job applicants. There is a significant shift here, especially millennials are no longer looking for a job just for the pennies. They also want to contribute to a higher common goal.

In what ways is your organization contributing to a better world? Formulate a clear mission and vision for the future of your company and communicate it not only to external parties, such as potential clients, but also share it internally. Make sure you create support to carry out your mission together with your colleagues.

5. Share knowledge

Sharing knowledge and information often goes wrong. Examples are incomplete onboarding processes, a confusing intranet or the (un)conscious withholding of information from employees. Sharing knowledge and making it easily available to everyone in your organization ensures that your employees:

  • Are able to think along and innovate;
  • Make better decisions;
  • Retain existing knowledge and communicate it better;
  • Feel more involved in your organization;
  • Get a better picture of your corporate identity and culture.

Sharing knowledge sounds easy, just send an email or message and that’s it. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. How do you know whether your colleagues are really absorbing new knowledge? Promote knowledge sharing by not only sending out updates, but by holding get-togethers, meetings and brainstorming sessions. That way you can be sure that your colleagues are actively engaged in sharing knowledge.

6. Accessibility and a bit of informality

A rigidly defined hierarchy, closed office doors and rules about who you can and cannot talk to are absolutely out of date. Employees find it increasingly important to work in an open workplace and prefer managers or supervisors who are accessible. In addition, the use of language in the workplace is also becoming less formal.

Connect Smarter with Bundeling

Bundeling is the smart communication platform for any organization. Through a personalized platform, members of your organization can easily read, share and respond to news items. Both in the form of a low-threshold ‘high-five’ and through a written response.

In addition, you can fill your Bundeling app with relevant documents, for example for onboarding, and you can choose from numerous integrations. As a result, you can also immediately use Bundeling to set up workflows, report damage, fill out declarations, request leave, find payslips and much more!

We like to be your one-stop-shop when it comes to smart communication. Want to know more or try it yourself? Get in touch with us.