
Legal affairs

On this page you will find our disclaimer, as well as our general terms for you to download.


In this disclaimer the following definitions apply: the web page: any web page in which the publisher includes a hyperlink to this disclaimer with the intention of applying this disclaimer to it;

the publisher: the authorized publisher of the web page; use (s): include loading, logging in, retrieving, consulting, reading, viewing, listening, editing, filling in (forms), sending, (temporary) copying, storing, forwarding, distributing, making use of services, committing legal acts (e.g., buy, rent);

you: the natural or legal person, whether or not represented, who uses the web page; the content: including texts, images, hyperlinks, sound and / or video fragments and / or other objects;

damage: direct or indirect damage of any nature, including lost data and business, lost turnover, profit or other economic disadvantage.

The following applies to the web page. By using the web page you agree with this disclaimer.

The publisher makes every effort to regularly update and / or supplement the content of the webpage. Despite this care and attention it is possible that the content is incomplete and / or incorrect.

The publisher provides the content of the web page in the state in which it actually is, without guarantee or guarantee as to the reliability, suitability for a specific purpose or otherwise.

The publisher is not liable for damage that is or threatens to be inflicted and which results from or is in any way related to the use of the web page or the inability to consult the web page.

Terms & Conditions

You can download these conditions below:

Bundeling Conditions Generales De Licence France
Bundeling Conditions Generales De Licence Belgium
Bundeling Conditions Generales De Licence International