How to build a vibrant online community

How to build a vibrant online community

How to build a vibrant online community Are you about to build an online community? Great fun. But be warned. A community can be set up in no time, but it can also collapse in no time. In this blog we will tell you how to build a vibrant online community with a focus on […]

New Feature: Tagging & Replying

New Feature: Tags & React

New Feature: Tagging & Replying We’re launching new features with this update. As of today, Bundeling is available in Greek, and you can tag platform users or directly respond to someone’s comments. Tagging You’ve probably seen or even done this on social media: if you want to show someone something, you tag them in a […]

How to improve internal communication in your organisation

How to improve internal communication in your organisation.

How to improve internal communication in your organisation Internal communication concerns all forms of communication within your organisation. The more your company or organisation grows, the more internal communication is required. Agreements between departments, consultations, new rules, new work schedules, in fact everything that you need to discuss with your colleagues falls under internal communication. […]

Laudy Bouw & Ontwikkeling

Klantcase Laudy Bouw & Ontwikkeling header

“Bundeling fa esattamente quello per cui l’abbiamo acquistato” Laudy Bouw & Ontwikkeling, una filiale di Ballast Nedam, è un’impresa di costruzioni con sede nel Limburgo (Paesi Bassi). L’azienda è specializzata nello sviluppo, nella costruzione, nella manutenzione e nel restauro di immobili di alta qualità. Ed era da tempo alla ricerca di un modo per raggiungere […]

‘Life becomes a lot easier when everything can be found in one spot’

'Life becomes a lot easier when everything can be found in one spot'

‘Life becomes a lot easier when everything can be found in one spot’ That is Reinold Wiedemeijer’s biggest takeaway from working as a professional soccer referee for many years. He’d spend a lot of time in sponsors’ homes after every match to broaden his network, but kept losing business cards or forgetting which card belonged […]

Pivot Park

Casi di clienti Pivot Park

La business community di Pivot Park Pivot Park è uno dei campus in più rapida crescita dei Paesi Bassi. Il campus offre spazi per laboratori e uffici a startup e scale-up impegnate nell’innovazione farmaceutica. Attualmente, più di 60 aziende affittano spazi al Pivot Park e circa 650 collaboratori vi lavorano in 7 edifici. Il Pivot […]

Bundeling in ‘How it’s Done’ on RTL-Z television

Bundeling in ‘How it’s Done’ op RTL-Z

Bundeling in ‘How it’s Done’ on RTL-Z television At the beginning of this summer, Bundeling was approached by the editors of the television program How it’s done on RTL-Z to tell our story. We fully said yes to bring our passion for community building to the attention of a larger audience in this special way. […]